Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Billy Idol

So hey, it's the only title I can think of that contains one of the words in "American Idol", but somehow isn't "Idol Chatter" or "Idol the Car in Neutral". This isn't an American Idol blog (BTW, say hi to Jessica Simpson's variety show on your much-welcomed way out the door, Pickler), but I wanted to put a link on here to a website that tries to predict who will get voted off, based on the success/failure of attempted phone calls. something somewhat scientific.

Is it right? Hardly ever (they've only nailed it once). Having worked on programs that perform similar functions, I thought this was an interesting (if somewhat pointless) use of technology.

In other thoughts, kudos to Casey Blake of the Cleveland Indians, who has Metallica's "The Thing That Should Not Be" as his intro actual good Metallica song, hasn't been one of those in almost 15 years.


At 9:55 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Wait -- so all that secret military technology is just an attempt to figure out who will win American Idol?

I knew it!


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